The Visegrad 4+2-Group

The Visegrad 4+2-Group is an informal, independent, and professional forum composed of the heads of SAIs of the so-called Visegrad states (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and the Slovak Republic) and the heads of the SAIs of Austria and Slovenia. The Group was established in 1991 by the original Visegrad states, inspired by the ideas of mutual cooperation and sharing of experience by the four countries on governmental level. After the accession of the states to the EU the SAIs of Austria and Slovenia joined the group. Nowadays the Group's mission and objectives are to identify interests in external government auditing, to detect problem areas and develop approaches for their solutions and to represent common interests in the Contact Committee of the SAIs of the EU. The Visegrad 4+2-Group also secures communication between its members and representatives of the SAIs of countries which aim to become a member of the EU. Heads of the mentioned SAIs regularly meet once a year.

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