About us
The Supreme Audit Office is an independent audit institution with the mission to review the state’s management of public revenue and expenditure. The SAO’s task is to provide feedback to makers and implementers of national policies, so they know how successfully their policies have been implemented and at what price, how effective they have been, and what economic and other impacts they have made. The SAO submits to the Government, to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, to experts, and to the general public the independent and the impartial information about whether national resources have been used effectively, economically, and efficiently and whether all binding legal regulations have been observed in their use. The SAO’s purpose is to answer whether and to what degree public resources have contributed to the desired improvements and to call attention to weaknesses in their spending.
The SAO is a professional and respected institution whose main mission is to contribute to the positive development of the Czech Republic. It does so predominantly through its audits, publications, and other activities, through which it enters the public realm. Since its establishment in 1993, the SAO has conducted more than 900 audits and annually reviewed CZK 230 billion on average. Institutions similar to the SAO exist in most countries of the world and represent one of the basic pillars of the modern democratic state.
The SAO’s existence is enshrined in the Czech Constitution, and its operations and powers are governed by Act No. 166/1993 Coll., on the Supreme Audit Office.