The accounts and the 2019 annual accounts of the CSSA were in good order, the SAO did not find any significant shortcomings.

Press release on audit No 19/29 – 14 September 2020

The Supreme Audit Office has verified the accounts and the reliability of the 2019 annual accounts of the Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA). The auditors also focused on the reliability of the data provided by the CSSA to assess the implementation of the state budget. The audit found no significant shortcomings in any of the audited areas.

The audit did not detect misstatements that would have a significant impact on bookkeeping or on the reliability of the data in CSSA’s annual accounts. The annual accounts give a true and fair view of the purpose of the accounts and the financial state of the CSSA.

Also, the auditors did not find any shortcomings in the data that serve to assess the implementation of the State budget submitted by the CSSA.

The CSSA’s internal control system was set up in accordance with the legislation and a review of selected transactions did not reveal any shortcomings.

Communication Department
Supreme Audit Office

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