Czech Mining Office Board eliminated most insufficiencies found during the previous audit

Press release
April 25, 2007

Management of state property and finances within the Czech Mining Office (CMO) were objects of the audit performed by the Supreme Audit Office (SAO).

The audited period was defined by years 2002 and mid 2006. The audited bodies were the Czech Mining Office and its district offices in Sokolov and in Most.

So far, CMO have eliminated most insufficiencies, which were found during the audit operation No. 01/22 – State budget chapters Czech Mining Office and Industrial Property Office. But they have not dealt with the non-residential premises hiring difficulties in district mining office in Sokolov. Neither were determined detailed rules for evaluation of invoices that R & D subvention recipients presented during the auditing operation.

“According to the Sokolov public notice, the recommended rent for this type of premises should do from CZK 671 to 894 for a square meter in one year. The arranged rent, which was CZK 193 for a square meter in one year, seemed much cheaper than the usual rental costs in the area. CMO explained that it had not been possible to arrange more favourable rents although they continuously offered these premises for the sake of efficient use of state properties. But they could not document such offers,” said president of the Czech Supreme Audit Office, František Dohnal.

As Dohnal said further, the audit detected the fact that CMO applied inadequately to financial auditing of their research and development fields. As a result, CMO paid out invoices whose evaluation could not be backed up appropriately.

The auditing operation was included in the Annual Audit Plan of SAO for the year 2006 under No. 06/39. Antonín Macháček, Member of the SAO, controlled the auditing operation and drew up the audit report.

Radka Burketová
Press Speaker
Supreme Audit Office

The Czech Mining Office Board is the central authority of the state mining executive. It makes up the system of administration together with district mining offices. Their activities are supposed to obey Act No. 61/1988 Coll., about mining activities, explosives, and the state mining administration. CMO is among organisational bodies of the state.

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