Audit No. 05/33
Management of the state budget funds spent for providing of investment incentives and investment aids on the basis of "Memorandum of Understanding Declaring Common Intention"
- Management of audit:
- Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr.
- State of the audit:
- Finished and published
- Audit conclusion:
- Czech
- Press release:
- English / Czech
- Criminal complaint:
- ---
- Notification to tax administrators:
- ---
- Related audits:
- 05/33, 03/30
Audited entities:
Name | District |
AEG components s.r.o., Jičín | Jičín |
AKUMA, a.s., Mladá Boleslav | Mladá Boleslav |
AVX Czech Republic s.r.o., Lanškroun | Ústí nad Orlicí |
Barco Manufacturing s.r.o., Kladno | Kladno |
Celestica Kladno, s.r.o., Kladno | Kladno |
Continental výroba pneumatik, s.r.o., Otrokovice | Zlín |
EGRES a.s., Praha 4 | Praha |
Flextronics International s.r.o., Brno | Brno |
Glaverbel Czech a.s., člen skupiny Glaverbel, Teplice | Teplice |
Hayes Lemmerz Alukola, s.r.o., Ostrava-Kunčice | Ostrava |
HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA, s.r.o., Mohelnice | Šumperk |
IBM Global Services Delivery Center Czech Republic, s.r.o., Brno | Brno |
Invensys Appliance Controls s.r.o., Šternberk | Olomouc |
Lucas Varity s.r.o., Jablonec nad Nisou | Jablonec nad Nisou |
Ministerstvo financí | Praha |
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí | Praha |
MITAS a.s., Praha 10 | Praha |
Showa Aluminium Czech, s.r.o., Kladno - Kročehlavy | Kladno |
Toray Textiles Central Europe s.r.o., Prostějov | Prostějov |
VERTEX FABRICS, s.r.o., Litomyšl | Svitavy |
Visteon - Autopal, s.r.o., Nový Jičín | Nový Jičín |
Last update: 27.1.2025. Info: