Office of the President

Secretariat of the SAO President

Ms Petra Horáková

Ms Marta Vorbsová
It prepares documents for the SAO President, keeps relevant documentation, prepares and organizes President´s meetings, and takes notes from such meetings. It keeps a record of written authorisations for audits and manages the correspondence of the SAO President and the Director of the Office of the SAO President.
Secretary to the SAO President

Mr Michal Pleticha
The secretary provides expert consultancy for the SAO President, handles contact with public institutions, takes part in meetings with foreign delegations, attends sessions of the bodies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and prepares opinions on assigned topics.
Advisers to the SAO President

Advisers mainly prepare opinions for the SAO President, attend meetings on behalf of the SAO based on the SAO President’s authorisation, and prepare documents and materials for the SAO President’s meetings.
Legal Department

The Legal Department helps draft laws and other generally biding legal regulations, draws up opinions on interpretation of legislation, takes part in legal analyses necessary for specifying audit methodologies, draws up opinions on draft legislation, methodologically manages the SAO legal service, and helps formulate the SAO’s internal regulations.
Communication Department

The Communication Department arranges communication with the media and the public. It is also responsible for editing and issuing SAO publications and for the latest news from sessions of the Czech Parliament; it manages the content of the SAO’s website and intranet. It handles incoming submissions and requests for information pursuant to the Act on Free Access to Information. The Communication Department runs a specialised library.
International Relations Department

The International Relations Department handles the SAO’s international cooperation, namely cooperation with supreme audit institutions abroad, the European Court of Auditors, and other European Union bodies. It also processes information about the work of foreign partners, organises and arranges foreign contacts and business trips abroad for SAO representatives and employees. It also arranges translations of documents for the SAO.