Audit plan

2001 Audit plan

Year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |

Audit No.Subject of auditState of the audit
01/37Financial resources provided for tax drawbacks from fuel consumption within agricultural industry, forest nursery, and regeneration of forestsfinished and published
01/36State budget funds earmarked for constructions and preservation of day-care facilitiesfinished and published
01/35Financial resources spent on the acquiring and technical renewals of investment propertiesfinished and published
01/34State property management and budget funds earmarked for the Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation and the Czech Export Bankfinished and published
01/33State budget funds earmarked for supporting projects of the Ministry of Agriculturenot published according to the law
01/32Financial resources spent on water improvements in the basin of the Odra riverfinished and published
01/31Management of the state property by the state enterprise Povodifinished and published
01/30Financial resources provided for the combined transportation systemfinished and published
01/29Prescription and administration of the income taxfinished and published
01/28State budget funds spent on development programmes for regions in the north-western Bohemia and the Ostrava regionfinished and published
01/27State budget funds earmarked for activities of the public emergency servicesfinished and published
01/26State budget investments in industrial areasfinished and published
01/25Financial resources earmarked for reconstruction and modernisation of railroadsfinished and published
01/24Financial resources from abroad and state budget funds spent on educational programmes of the European Unionfinished and published
01/23State budget funds earmarked for support of the non-production agricultural activitiesfinished and published
01/22State budget chapters - the Czech Mining Office and Industrial Property Officefinished and published
01/21State property and investment donations provided for health facilitiesfinished and published
01/20State budget funds earmarked for constructions of the Hall of Justice in Liberec and custodial buildings in Jiricefinished and published
01/19Financial resources spent on modernisation and renewal of road and motorway networksfinished and published
01/18Financial resources from the health insurancefinished and published
01/17State budget funds spent on preparations of the 2000 meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Praguefinished and published
01/16State budget chapter - Ministry of Labour and Social Affairsfinished and published
01/15Financial resources provided for running, reconstruction, and development of waterwaysfinished and published
01/14Fulfilling the duties of tax administrationfinished and published
01/13State property and funds earmarked for facilities providing inpatient treatment and institutional educationfinished and published
01/12State budget chapter - Ministry of Internal Affairs and supporting to the P. T. organisations associated with the Police of the Czech Republicfinished and published
01/11Management of the State Institute for Drug Controlfinished and published
01/10State budget funds earmarked for development projects for fighting capacity advancements in the Army of the Czech Republicnot published according to the law
01/09State budget funds spent on environmental preservationfinished and published
01/08State budget funds earmarked for building acquirements, technical reconstructions, and initial operating of municipal authoritiesfinished and published
01/07State budget funds earmarked for selected supporting programmes in agriculturefinished and published
01/06Subsidies from the state budget chapter General Cash Administration provided for land adjustmentsfinished and published
01/05State budget funds earmarked for public universitiesfinished and published
01/04State budget chapter - Ministry of Internal Affairs and funds spent on research and development projectsfinished and published
01/03State budget funds earmarked for the employment support in the areas of north-western Bohemia and Ostrava-Karvinafinished and published
01/02Active debts forth the Value Added Tax and the Consumer Taxfinished and published
01/01State budget chapter - the Czech Securities and Exchange Commissionfinished and published

Last update: 27.1.2025. Info:

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