Audit plan

2011 Audit plan

Year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |

Audit No.Subject of auditState of the audit
11/01Funds and State property under the management of several Regional Public Health Authoritiesfinished and published
11/02State property under the management of the Ministry of Industry and Tradefinished and published
11/03State funds earmarked for compensations under the Act on Liability for Damage Based Either on Maladministration or on Illegal Decisionsfinished and published
11/04Funds earmarked for the air quality improvement and emissions reductionfinished and published
11/05Funds earmarked for the Programme for the care of the national cultural treasure in the State ownershipfinished and published
11/06Funds and State property under the management of several national parks’ administrationsfinished and published
11/07Value Added Tax administration concerning the import of goods from third countriesfinished and published
11/08Funds spent on preparations and realization of State A-levelsfinished and published
11/09State financial assets, especially funds in the Nuclear Account finished and published
11/10Funds and State property under the management of organisations co-financed by the State budget that are under the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairsfinished and published
11/11Funds provided to the Czech Export Bank from the State budget; Bank’s management of those funds for which the State gives a guarantee; exercise of shareholder rights in the Czech Export Bank by the Statefinished and published
11/12Funds earmarked for the development and renewal of the material-technical base of the Police of the Czech Republicfinished and published
11/13Funds spent on constructing and operating of the road toll collecting system in the Czech Republicfinished and published
11/14Funds earmarked for the construction and maintenance of the cycling infrastructurefinished and published
11/15Funds earmarked for enhancing the quality of life in the rural areas under the Rural Development Programmefinished and published
11/16Funds earmarked for the construction of the ring road around the capital city of Praguefinished and published
11/17EU and State funds earmarked for the priority axis Initial Education under the operational programme Education for Competitivenessfinished and published
11/18Funds earmarked for the development of urban and rural areas under the regional operational programme “North-East” for the period 2007-2013finished and published
11/19Funds earmarked for the stabilization and development of towns and municipalities under the regional operational programme “South-West” for the period 2007-2013finished and published
11/20Funds earmarked for the urban development under the regional operational programme “Moravia-Silesia” for the period 2007-2013finished and published
11/21Records and accounting for tax revenue and related costs and revenues, receivables and liabilitiesfinished and published
11/22Closing account of the State budget heading "Ministry of Defense" for the year 2010finished and published
11/23State property under the management of the Ministry of the Interiorfinished and published
11/24Funds from the State budget heading "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" that were provided for to support activities in the area of youth and sports of handicappedfinished and published
11/25State funds spent on selected health programmesfinished and published
11/26Financial statements and reports of the Czech Social Security Administration for the year 2011finished and published
11/27Funds earmarked for the fulfilment of aims of the EU’s common migration and asylum policyfinished and published
11/28State property and funds provided for the Military Forests and Farms of the Czech Republicfinished and published
11/29Closing account of the State budget heading "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" for the year 2011finished and published
11/30Funds spent on consultation, legal, and counselling services that were paid out from the State budget heading No. 312 - Ministry of Financenot published according to the law
11/31State property under the management of the Railway Infrastructure Administrationfinished and published
11/32Funds and State property under the management of the Czech Trade Inspectoratefinished and published
11/33Funds and State property under the management of several State Fundsfinished and published
11/34Funds spent to cover costs incurred by activities of several Ministriesfinished and published
11/35Funds from the European Social Fund pre-financed and co-financed by the State budget that were earmarked for projects carried out in the capital city of Praguefinished and published
11/36Financial statements of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs as of 31. 12. 2010finished and published
11/37Funds earmarked for the development and renewal of a material and technical background of public universitiesfinished and published
11/38Funds from the State budget provided for preservation and renewal of cultural propertyfinished and published

Last update: 27.1.2025. Info:

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