Audit plan

2004 Audit plan

Year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |

Audit No.Subject of auditState of the audit
04/01Funds spent on the River Systems Revitalization Programmefinished and published
04/02Aviation technology of the Army of the Czech Republicnot published according to the law
04/03State budget funds earmarked for construction and renovation of buildings of the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň and the University of Ostravafinished and published
04/04Recoverable financial assistances (interest-free loans) provided for the development of the agri-food complexfinished and published
04/05State budget funds earmarked for the ammunition of the Police of the Czech Republicnot published according to the law
04/06Management of the Ostrava Faculty Hospital and Polyclinicfinished and published
04/07Value added tax and excise taxesfinished and published
04/08State budget funds and the European Union funds earmarked for the SAPARD programmefinished and published
04/09Social security benefits to socially needy personsfinished and published
04/10State budget funds earmarked for the National Programme Sport for Allfinished and published
04/11Funds of the State Budget Chapter - the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs spent and collected in the context of protection of employees in the case of employers’ insolvencyfinished and published
04/12Closing account of the state budget chapter "Office for Protection of Competition"finished and published
04/13State budget funds provided for the Programme of supporting and optimisating of the regional healthcare facilities networkfinished and published
04/14Financing the construction of a multi-purpose facility in the Bublava municipalityfinished and published
04/15Management of the funds provided from the state budget through a contribution to the participants in the construction savingfinished and published
04/16State property and state budget funds earmarked to cover the work of the National Security Authorityfinished and published
04/17Closing account of the state budget chapter "Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic"finished and published
04/18Closing account of the state budget chapter "State Office for Nuclear Safety"finished and published
04/19Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Justice"finished and published
04/20Financial resources provided in the framework of the EU supportive programmes ISPA and PHARE for improving the environment measuresfinished and published
04/21Funds earmarked for the sector Operational Programme Industryfinished and published
04/22Management of the state budget funds earmarked for financing the reproduction of the tangible fixed assets at the Czech Social Security Administrationfinished and published
04/23State property and funds earmarked for the activities of the Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republicfinished and published
04/24State budget funds and the management of the state property under the authority of the Ministry of Transportfinished and published
04/25Development of transport infrastructure in cohesion regions of Central Moravia and Moravia-Silesiafinished and published
04/26The construction of the road circular around the capital city of Praguefinished and published
04/27Metallurgical employee insurance company's management of the funds collected on the basis of the act on insurance for general health insurancefinished and published
04/28Automotive technical equipment of the Army of the Czech Republicnot published according to the law
04/29The state support implemented by the form of anti-flood programmes for the revitalisation of the regions affected by the 2002 floodsfinished and published
04/30Fulfilment of the state budget revenues in the area of the collection of the premium for the social security and the contribution for the state policy of employmentfinished and published
04/31The social programme accompanying the restructuring of the Czech steel industryfinished and published
04/32Non-investment subsidies contributed to the non-state subjects rendering social servicesfinished and published
04/33State property managed by the Administration of the Military Housing Resourcesfinished and published
04/34The investment incentives provided to foreign and domestic subjectsfinished and published
04/35Expenses on acquisition and functioning of assets in the Czech National Bankfinished and published
04/36Funds for programmes relating to the protection against floodfinished and published
04/37State budget funds provided as a state contribution to supplementary pension insurance participantsfinished and published
04/38Management of the state budget funds from the programme "Build-up and technical renewal of hospitals and medical facilities under responsibility of the Ministry of Health" within the region of Usti nad Labemfinished and published
04/39Fulfilment of the tax obligations related to fixed assets, which were handed over by the Land Fund of the Czech Republicfinished and published
04/40Funds spent on acquiring of the Czech Statistical Office headquartersfinished and published
04/41Recoverable financial assistances rendered to the Office of Supervision of Saving & Credit Co-operatives and funds that are managed by the Insurance Fund of Saving & Credit Co-operativesfinished and published
04/42State enterprises in the province of agriculture, which were retained for not yet resolved restitution claims or other statutory reasonsfinished and published

Last update: 27.1.2025. Info:

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