Audit plan

2019 Audit plan

Year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |

Audit No.Subject of auditState of the audit
19/01Funds used for technical assistance from the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitivenessfinished and published
19/02Assets and state funds intended for the operation of the General Directorate of Customsfinished and published
19/03Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Culture" for 2018, financial statements of the Ministry of Culture for 2018 and data submitted by the Ministry of Culture for evaluation of implementation of the state budget in 2018finished and published
19/04Support for flood protection measuresfinished and published
19/05State funds provided for international organizations and expenditures relating theretofinished and published
19/06Funds provided on training of employees in health carefinished and published
19/07Property and state funds managed by the Prison Service of the Czech Republicfinished and published
19/08Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Transport" for 2018, the Ministry of Transport's financial statements for 2018 and the data submitted by the Ministry of Transport for evaluation of implementation of the state budget in 2018finished and published
19/09Protection of museum collections owned by the Czech Republicfinished and published
19/10Repair and maintenance of bridgesfinished and published
19/11Support for security research provided from the budget chapter of the Ministry of the Interiorfinished and published
19/12Funds collected under the Act on employer's liability insurance for injury or for occupational diseasefinished and published
19/13Armoured vehicles of the Army of the Czech Republicfinished and published
19/14Introduction of electronic identification and enabling of electronic access to public administration servicesfinished and published
19/15Support for the development of high-speed Internet access provided from the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitivenessfinished and published
19/16Reconstruction and revitalization of railway stationsfinished and published
19/17State funds from the budget chapter ”Ministry of Health” earmarked for the health care researchfinished and published
19/18Support provided by the Podpůrný a garanční rolnický a lesnický fond, joint-stock companyfinished and published
19/19Funds from the EU and state budget alloted for common education of pupilsfinished and published
19/20University education of members of the security forces and soldiers of the armed forcesfinished and published
19/21Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Regional Development" for 2018, the Ministry of Regional Development´s financial statements for 2018 and the data submitted by the Ministry of Regional Development for evaluation of implementation of the state budget in 2018finished and published
19/22Funds earmarked for demolitions of buildings in socially excluded localitiesfinished and published
19/23Support for employment of people over 50 and for the policy of positive ageing from the Operational Programme Employmentfinished and published
19/24Management by the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture with state property and state budget funds after its transformation finished and published
19/25Property and state funds managed by the Radioactive Waste Repository Authorityfinished and published
19/26Cyber security of eGovernment of the Czech Republicfinished and published
19/27Administration of insurance for social security and state employment policycanceled
19/28Funds spent on selected investment programmes under the chapter "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports"finished and published
19/29Financial statements of the Czech Social Security Administration for 2019 and the data submitted by the Czech Social Security Administration for evaluation of implementation of the state budget in 2019finished and published
19/30State property and funds under the management of institutes of public health, whose founder is the Ministry of Healthfinished and published
19/31Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" for 2019, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports´s financial statements for 2019 and the data submitted by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for evaluation of implementation of the state budget in 2019finished and published
19/32Management of property that has been confiscated, pledged, seized forfeited, and sold in criminal and tax proceedingscanceled
19/33Selected state property under the management of the Lesy České republiky (Forests of the Czech Republic), state-owned enterprisefinished and published
19/34Foreign claims of the Czech Republic administered by the Ministry of Financefinished and published

Last update: 27.1.2025. Info:

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