Audit plan

2020 Audit plan

Year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |

Audit No.Subject of auditState of the audit
20/01 Administration of social security premiums and of payments regarding to the state employment policyfinished and published
20/02State property and funds under the management of of the Office for Government Representation in Property Affairsfinished and published
20/03Acquisition of military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republicfinished and published
20/04Interventions to ensure sustainable water qualityfinished and published
20/05Support for energy savings in public buildingsfinished and published
20/06State funds earmarked for public universitiesfinished and published
20/07Funds spent on ICT of the Ministry of Agriculturefinished and published
20/08Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Industry and Trade" for 2019, financial statements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for 2019, and data submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the evaluation of the state budget implementationcanceled
20/09Management of selected organizations under the administration of the Ministry of Regional Developmentcanceled
20/10State funds spent on implementation of selected goals of the migration policy of the Czech Republicfinished and published
20/11Construction, maintenance and repairs of cycling infrastructurefinished and published
20/12State funds earmarked for anti-drug programmesfinished and published
20/13Investment incentives finished and published
20/14Public transport using electric power supported from the Transport 2014-2020 Operational Programme finished and published
20/15Closing account of the state budget chapter "Office of the Public Defender of Rights" for the year 2019, financial statements of the Office of the Public Defender of Rights for the year 2019, and data submitted by the Office of the Public Defender of Rights for the evaluation of the state budget implementation for the year 2019canceled
20/16State property and funds allotted to the National Heritage Institute, the state-funded organisationfinished and published
20/17Projects and activities to ensure modernization of public administration and to optimize the performance of selected agendascanceled
20/18Funds earmarked for meeting the national targets of the EUROPE 2020 strategyfinished and published
20/19Measures aiming at reducing energy performance of residential buildings supported from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme and from the New Green Savings Programme finished and published
20/20Funds from the Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness Operational Programme granted to small and medium enterprises for consultancy, marketing, and training and in relation to the Covid-19 pandemicfinished and published
20/21State property and funds under the management of the General Financial Directoratefinished and published
20/22State funds earmarked for investments into social services finished and published
20/23State budget funds and European funds provided for food aid for the most deprived persons and earmarked to reduce food wastefinished and published
20/24Funds collected under the law in favour of the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republicfinished and published
20/25Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Justice" for the year 2020, financial statements of the Ministry of Justice for the year 2020, and data submitted by the Ministry of Justice for the evaluation of the state budget implementation for the year 2020finished and published
20/26Financial statements of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic for the year 2020, data submitted by the Labor Office of the Czech Republic for the evaluation of the implementation of the state budget for 2020canceled
20/27State property and funds allotted to the General Inspection of Security Forces finished and published
20/28Computerization of the Ministry of Justice canceled
20/29State property and funds allotted to the Military Intelligence of the Czech Republic not published according to the law
20/30Selected state property and state funds under the management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairscanceled
20/31Road tax administrationcanceled
20/32Funds spent in connection with the epidemiological situation in the Czech Republicfinished and published
20/33Closing account of the state budget chapter "Grant Agency of the Czech Republic" for the year 2020, financial statements of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic for the year 2020, and data submitted by the the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic for the evaluation of the state budget implementation for the year 2020finished and published
20/34Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Industry and Trade" for 2020, financial statements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for 2020, and data submitted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the evaluation of the state budget implementation for the year 2020finished and published

Last update: 27.1.2025. Info:

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