Audit plan
2006 Audit plan
Year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |
Audit No. | Subject of audit | State of the audit |
06/01 | State property and state budget funds earmarked to cover the work of the Czech Statistical Office | finished and published |
06/02 | State property and funds earmarked for continuing education of pedagogical staff | finished and published |
06/03 | Funds earmarked for development of Motorway No. 8 | finished and published |
06/04 | State property and state budget funds earmarked for the Administration of the state material reserves | finished and published |
06/05 | Financial resources earmarked for research and development in the area of environment | finished and published |
06/06 | State budget funds earmarked for phasing out of mining | finished and published |
06/07 | State budget finances provided for public passenger transport | finished and published |
06/08 | Automotive technical equipment of the Police of the Czech Republic | finished and published |
06/09 | Funds drawn for publishing activities of state budget chapters' administrators | finished and published |
06/10 | State budget funds provided for the program "The support of the property reproduction for regional healthcare facilities" | finished and published |
06/11 | State property and state budget funds from the chapter "Ministry of Culture" | finished and published |
06/12 | State budget funds earmarked for programs of regional development support | finished and published |
06/13 | Final account of the state budget chapter the Czech Telecommunication Office | finished and published |
06/14 | State budget finances spent on the "Programme to Support the Regional Functions of Libraries" | finished and published |
06/15 | Management of state property and state budget funds in the Office of the Public Defender of Rights | finished and published |
06/16 | Closing account of the state budget chapter "The Industrial Property Office" | finished and published |
06/17 | State property and finances provided for the work of national parks and other protected territories | finished and published |
06/18 | Financial resources earmarked for reconstruction and modernization of railways | finished and published |
06/19 | Tactical air force of the Czech Army | finished and published |
06/20 | The 2005 final account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Industry and Trade" | finished and published |
06/21 | The 2005 final account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" | finished and published |
06/22 | State property and budget funds earmarked for military healthcare | finished and published |
06/23 | Financial contributions provided by employee insurance companies to the Underwriting Fund | finished and published |
06/24 | State budget funds involved in the chapter "General Balance Administration" | finished and published |
06/25 | State budget funds provided for developing material and technical basis of teaching hospitals | finished and published |
06/26 | Financial resources earmarked for the Common Agricultural Policy | finished and published |
06/27 | Value added tax administration after Czech Republic's accession to the EU | finished and published |
06/28 | State property and budget funds earmarked for customs administration service | finished and published |
06/29 | State budget funds spent on development and reinvestment of material and technical basis of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports control system | finished and published |
06/30 | Financial resources earmarked for cross-frontier cooperation programs | finished and published |
06/31 | Financial resources spent on construction and technical reinvestment of water and environmental buildings within the competence of the Ministry of Agriculture | finished and published |
06/32 | Real estates within the competence of the Ministry of Interior | finished and published |
06/33 | Financial resources provided for the Czech Republic within the frame of financial support from European economic Area and Norway | finished and published |
06/34 | Financial resources spent on land adjustment from Ministry of Agriculture state budget Chapter, Land Fund of the Czech Republic, Territory and Agricultural Development Program, and the SAPARD Program | finished and published |
06/35 | State budget funds earmarked for National Strategy for ICT in Education | finished and published |
06/36 | Financial Resources spent on transportation network development in the Czech Republic | finished and published |
06/37 | State property management of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic | finished and published |
06/38 | Management of the Military Forests and Estates of the Czech Republic | finished and published |
06/39 | Czech Mining Office's management of state property and finances | finished and published |
Last update: 27.1.2025. Info: