Audit plan

2018 Audit plan

Year: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |

Audit No.Subject of auditState of the audit
18/34 Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in the road infrastructure of the Czech Republicfinished and published
18/05Accounting of the Ministry of Finance for 2017finished and published
18/13Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Health" for the year 2017, the financial statements of the Ministry of Health for 2017 and data submitted by the Ministry of Health for the assessment of state budget fulfilment for the year 2017finished and published
18/26Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs" for the year 2018, their financial statements and data for 2018 submitted for the assessment of fulfilment of the state budget 2018finished and published
18/15Closing account of the state budget chapter "Ministry of the Interior" for the year 2017, the financial statements of the Ministry of the Interior for 2017 and data submitted by the Ministry of the Interior for the assessment of state budget fulfilment for the year 2017canceled
18/21Construction and modernisation of A-class roadsfinished and published
18/16Development of waterways and support of inland waterway transportfinished and published
18/25Financial statements of the Municipal Court in Prague for 2017finished and published
18/23Funds and state property under the management of national parks’ administrationsfinished and published
18/14Funds collected in accordance with the law in favour of the Military Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republicfinished and published
18/28Funds earmarked for the implementation of the measures of the 2014-2020 operational programme Employment to increase employment and adaptability of the workforcefinished and published
18/09Funds earmarked for the social services supportfinished and published
18/04Funds earmarked for the support of the air quality improvement finished and published
18/31Funds earmarked to maintain and develop the capabilities of the Air Force of the Czech Army, including the Supersonic Air Forcenot published according to the law
18/03Funds provided to non-state non-profit organisationsfinished and published
18/19Funds spent on the cultural activities from the budget chapter of the Ministry of Culturefinished and published
18/08Funds spent on the support of the animal production sectorfinished and published
18/07Information support for the tax management agendafinished and published
18/27Measures implemented in agriculture and the environment to mitigate the effects of drought and water scarcityfinished and published
18/29Promoting competitiveness through ICT-supported projects funded under the Operational Programmes Enterprise and Innovation and Enterprise and Innovation for Competitivenessfinished and published
18/32State budget revenues collected in the field of labour taxationfinished and published
18/30State funds and state property under the management of selected police schools of the Ministry of the Interiorfinished and published
18/20State funds earmarked for the crime preventionfinished and published
18/11State funds earmarked for the development and renewal of the material-technical base of the regional healthcare systemfinished and published
18/36State property and funds allotted to state-funded organisations (the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Moravian Library in Brno)finished and published
18/35State property and funds allotted to the Czech Mining Officefinished and published
18/02State property and funds related to this property earmarked for tasks of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republicfinished and published
18/17State property and funds spent on the acquisition and distribution of the equipment for officers of the Army of the Czech Republic finished and published
18/12State property and funds under the management of selected public archives of the Ministry of the Interior finished and published
18/10State property under the management of the Vojenské lesy a statky ČR, state enterprisefinished and published
18/33Subsidy from the operational programme „Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic“ provided for promoting social inclusion and combating povertyfinished and published
18/24Support for public urban and regional transport financed under the Integrated Regional Operational Programmefinished and published
18/18Support for the development of digitalisation of education in the Czech Republicfinished and published
18/06Support for the promotion of research and development for innovation provided by the OP Entreprise and Innovations for Competitiveness finished and published
18/01Support of business real estate and business infrastructurefinished and published
18/22Support of environmental policies focused on public budget revenuesfinished and published

Last update: 27.1.2025. Info:

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